Fellow ANAMEB Members,

I am pleased to report to you on the “state” of our Association and our ambitions for the coming years.As one of the new, continuously operating, technical professional’s associations in Bangladesh, ANAMEB serves to not only tries to make understand the authorities the requirements of Naval Architects in different government, semi-government, autonomous and private relevant organizations but also fight for the establishment of the right of the Naval architects in different organizations as well as set the standard for naval architectural and marine engineering affairs in the 21st century, and has done so now for last 17 years. In last five years The EC has made countless effort to solve the professions problems as well as create new job opportunities for NAME graduates in DoS, BIWTA, BIWTC, CPA, MPA, PPA, BSC, BMET, BWDB, RHD and other shipbuilding industries. Each of us can recall leaders and advisers who made their effort to meet the administrations of the above organizations as well to the high officials of the different ministries to break the stalemate of the job opportunities for Name Graduates and guided our development with their advice. Each of us is called to live into the responsibility we have to start the legacy of pursuing, mentoring and guiding the next generation of naval architectural and marine engineering professionals – allowing them to stand on their own foot to see into the future and protect, preserve and improve our support to the nation’s inland and maritime services. The financial health of the Association began the year on an improving trend (though not in a sufficient form) and that trend continued right up until the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were felt. In March 2020, the nation began responding in earnest to the spread of this insidious disease, and suddenly, the full schedule of ANAMEB-planned round table talks and symposia could not be arranged as localities issued “stay-at-home” orders and the venues we planned to use for our symposia started notifying us they were closed until further notice. The planning committees and ANAMEB staff will be into action – sponsors and exhibitors will be contacted and encouraged to be patient as we looked to begin these events soon. As a first, the sponsors and participants will be contacted from now on and we will learn from those experiences and plow lessons learned back into planning and execution of each event. Without the revenue from the symposia, exhibition and donation from prospective members in the future, our financial trend will not be a healthy one and we shall not be able to purchase a permanent office for the association. The success of the symposia and exhibition coupled with the resumption of in-person or organizational donations will be keys to enable the association to stand in strong financial footings. The planned symposia schedule, exhibition and other events will create the opportunity to finally get the association on a solid financial footing of the association and will make it successful to purchase a permanent office for the same. While there is uncertainty all around, the business of the Association moves on and fortunately, our Executive Committees continue to march to a steady beat. Our Ways and Means, Professional Development, Awards, Scholarships, Journal and Audit committees will have to initiate their excellent execution of important responsibilities. And our Membership committee will have to thrust into the spotlight with the focus we are placing on growing Association membership. Each member of all the committees is a volunteer and we all owe them a debt of thanks for their willingness to fulfill the important roles they play to keep Association business on track. Another benefit of membership is our Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and I’m pleased to say the Editorial Board, led by Dr. Md. Mashud Karim continues to assure the quality of content in the JNAME is top notch. The Journal provides a forum to share technical papers, shipbuilding prospects, naval architectural research, industry innovations and challenges of our inland and maritime services need our collective help to solve. It is also a forum to share ideas from our diverse community – and the upcoming JNAME issues will not disappoint in that vein. Finally, I want to address membership – my number one focus for the Association. Currently, we have about 200 members but we know there are many more potential Naval Architects who have not become member yet. The membership committee should offer all-out thrust to make all graduate naval architects to become members of the Association As I wrap up my first year as your president, I can say it’s been an interesting year for us all, and ANAMEB is no exception. Despite the challenges this pandemic has created, we are weathering the storm because of the awesome members we have, who keep us organized and pulling together in the same direction. ANAMEB is successful because the leadership and so many members who volunteer their time work together so well. I thank you all and look forward to the coming year – it should be a very busy one for ANAMEB.

Submitted with respect to the ANAMEB membership,

Dr Md. Reaz Hasan Khondoker,

Naval Architect, IWT, ICT, Dredging, and Port Specialist.

President, Association of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Bangladesh